Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Money Teleseminar: Connecting Life's Fulfillment to Money

Do any of these topics pique your interest...

- How to detach from your desire to manifest money when you
are desperate for money!

- Why you should welcome "mistakes!"

- Why every challenge you are facing is just an
"invitation" to learn.

- How to really believe that it is possible to be
financially abundant in this economy.
Join me for an 8 week Teleseminar designed to give you tools to open up your awareness for manifesting a peaceful relationship to money.
Starts April 21, 2010 7:30 PM PDT
contact: for details

Feeling Pinched?

Anybody feeling a little pinched or squeezed these days? I know I am.

Could be you are growing and developing new capacities. Growth, or expansion is never easy, and does not happen in a comfort zone. Growth requires examining habits of thought and being willing to release limiting beliefs.

How do you do that?

1) Have fun in the process, laugh, sing and play.

2). Align yourself with solution thinking. Let yourself 'see' and 'feel' the solution.

Thomas Edison, inventor of the electric light bulb, used to take cat naps where he would 'go to the land of solution'. He would nap for 10-15 minutes a day, before he would nap he would ask: What is the solution to......(my task, my concern, my question)

He slept with a rock in his lap, when the rock slipped from his lap he would listen to the 'answer' and try it out.

We have this wonderful world of electricity because of him.

What could you accomplish if you allowed yourself to go to the land of solution?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Exciting Week, This Week

I've got a big week ahead.

Kinda like a big game for an athlete.

I'm excited and calm all at the same time.

Of course it's Monday, and I've only begun, Wednesday will be the big 'test' if you will.

Tuesday will be prep day, reading documents, prepare, meditation, exercise, rest.

So today I get myself present to this moment. I breathe. I feel the air fill my lungs, and taste the air.

All day, I will bring myself to 'now' and enjoy.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Spiritual Power of Money

In our economic based world we live in, money is the foundation of our existence.

It's sometimes hard for us to imagine, but this is a real freedom from the domination of the past where you had to pledge an oath to a person or religion to assure your survival.

We are free to choose our religious practices, opinion of our leaders, and the path of our employment. Remember this is a big change from 100 years ago.

But that does not change the nature of money, and it's spiritual power. Money is our core relationship, because it reveals what we believe about worth, deserving, abundance, sufficiency and scarcity.

So it's a relationship that we need to honor, revere, and appreciate. Like a good marriage, you need to be in communication with money, need to appreciate it, praise the good things it does for you, and when you touch it let it feel your kind love.

Sound crazy huh? Not really. People praise all sorts of things, why not praise the vehicle of our independence: money.

In the Law if Increase it says, what ever you praise grows. Lets praise each dollar that comes into our hands and lovingly moves on the help others.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tune in your Intuition

Intuition has been defined as understanding without apparent effort.

Intuition is at the root of solving problems, heightening relationships, harvesting good health, and developing new sources of wealth.

But how does one go about 'tuning into' intuition?

Joseph Campbel suggested that you have a private space just for you, maybe it's a room, or a corner of a room, where you can listen to the music you like, even if other people say it's corny, or old fashioned. But what you start to experience is a sense of personal space for you to breathe and expand your spirit.

There was a man, Dr Elmer Gates, who had a room that he would go into and shut off all the lights and sit quietly and allow the solutions to the problem he was working on to emerge. Just so you can get a sense of the man: he had over 200 patents. Dr Gates got paid to 'sit for ideas' by individuals and corporations alike.

We don't just sit anymore. We are in a 'get it done' world. It's not practiced on a regular basis. But finding that place for you, that room, or time of day where you can allow your spirit to breathe, will bring to you ideas and knowledge not available through the ordinary rate of thought.

Take time each day to allow your intuition to awaken.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's all about how you look at it

George Bernard Shaw said "A life making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life doing nothing."

We can be such a harsh society. Very judgmental., critical, and negative.

Our newspapers constantly tell us what's wrong with us, celebrities and the world. Our television does the same. We get into the habit of doing the same to ourselves and our neighbors. It's like a game of hot potato, who gets left holding the failure stigma.

And it seems we work very hard to hide out from the critical eyes of society. It takes the focus off our own foibles if we can point the finger at someone else. And it cripples our creativity, self-expression, and motivation.

But what if we viewed the world through eyes dedicated to turning mistakes into stepping stones?

What if we could see any mistake or failure as a chance for greater good to emerge.

Because it's what you do when you get back up that counts.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Balance Comes From the Inside Not the Outside

I got two calls yesterday.

One from a friend that is working diligently to get me a new job. She has connected me with many people, and set up informal interviews. She called to tell me she has set up an interview with the HR department with the Non-Profit Company so we can take the next steps to get me in the new position. Just so you understand my concern I'm facing with the job she is trying to connect me with is time: I need a job now. Her job might not come through until July.

The next call was from a Temp agency that cancelled my interview for today and told me they would not work with me in finding me a job. That I was unacceptable.


What complete opposites. I watched my emotions zig zag. And I finally understood, like in my bones understood: balance comes from the inside, not the outside.

Circumstances will come and go, but my response to them is what counts.

I know we've been told this many times, but I still react, I still get upset when it feels like I'm struggling to get a good paying job, or to get my career going in the direction I want. Or to pay my bills.

Wallace Wattles in The Science of Getting Rich says: "You have the natural and inherent power to think what you want to think, but it requires far more effort to do so than it does to think the thoughts which are suggested by appearances."

"...far more effort" No kidding.

I've been taught to be a people-pleaser, to be the good girl. So to go against that and get my strength from within, not to look without but within. That will take building a new set of muscles. One not found in the gym.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Breaking the Scarcity Habit

I was talking with my husband Saturday. We were having lunch at some neighborhood joint. I started to consider that perhaps money, or more accurately, my struggles with it, was a bad habit, like nail biting or smoking. And just like any habit, a shift in perception can assist in altering the habit.

I was a smoker way back in High School. And when cigarettes went from 30-50 cents a pack I told myself, "I'm not paying that" and I stopped smoking. Of course I had challenges, but I was determined not to pay $0.50 a pack!

I was also a vicious nail biter, and right before I graduated from college I just told myself to stop, and did.

I also got married by choosing to be finished with this single life of mine.

My question to myself becomes: is there a difference in creating income? Can I use my higher thoughts to create income, just as I used my higher thoughts to stop smoking, stop nail biting, and find the man of my dreams?

There is something very similar in all of these things, and that is this: what I choose to think about and my reactions.

I determine my reactions, no one else; I do. I can get upset or not, I can remain focused and choose the path I want my life to proceed upon, or allow the circumstances to dictate.

It takes persistence. The same way stopping smoking did, persistence to a vision, a dream, a goal.

So, I'm so done with the scarcity level of thinking that has been programed into me since birth. I choose an abundant life.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Celebrate Each Step

Everywhere I turn there is yet again another person telling me how to be successful, how to get more bang for my buck, how to be unstoppable.

They have the answer; and they will now tell me. Sometimes I just want them to calm down a bit.

I have begun to take a different path, I have become curious. I ask deeper questions of myself.

I realize that the road to fulfillment is lined with challenges, road blocks, stop signs, U turns, and yield signs.

It is never a straight path in life. That's the fun. That is the part where we, as a country and a civilization, need to grow most especially.

The ability to choose fun and playfulness in the tough times, the demands, the times when you think 'I can't do this' any longer.

We have spent energy making sure that the corners of life are rounded, we seem to be trying to eliminate the bumps of life. So that no one gets hurt, I assume. That's like trying to squeeze a balloon; not a good idea.

Instead we might consider celebrating challenges, welcome them, embrace the sharp pointy edges of life. And ask; like a good scientist or inventor, the questions that encourage growth, not stifle it.

Encouragement comes from celebrating each move, regardless of the circumstances. Celebrate the love you have, the money you have, the health you have, then ask; what's next?

I began asking that 'what's next' question joyfully, expectantly, with unexpected enchanting results in mind. And it makes me laugh, lifts my heart, and makes me smile.

If you try this on, tell me your results, I would love to hear from you. ;)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


"The truth is simple, if it were complicated then everyone would know it." Unknown

Our world seem to be getting more and more complicated. One path to inner peace is to simplify your life.

I ask myself: how much do I really need? how much is enough? what do I really need?

Sometimes I've found that when I simplify my life, pare down, eliminate the extras, I'm actually happier, freer, and more centered.

So, why all the focus of getting stuff and more stuff? I think it's easier to get stuff than to develop yourself.

It's easier to buy something than to go to the gym, or read a book, or volunteer. It's just the easy path.

The simple path is the more challenging one. But by far the more rewarding one.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Everything I Need is Alreay Here

I was on my morning inspirational call. My buddy on the call stopped me in my rant about money, and said: 'Repeat after me; Everything I need is already here". She said it over and over.

Maybe that's the best thing that affirmations give us, a chance to stop the pre-programed, preconceived ideas of how our parents and the media have told us how life works.

Where do we get all these notions of scarcity and lack and limitation?

I think because we repeat and hear it so often. Commercials declare we need to 'act now' or forever lose this opportunity. It's how we are manipulated.

Maybe what affirmations do for us, really, is to allow us to open our eyes to how the laws of our world really work. To awaken ourselves to what we already have and build on a foundation of limitless bounty.

Wow, just that would create such a change on a cellular level, we might be able to breathe fully again!