Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our Daily Prayers

I was taught to pray at bedtime at age 5. By age 6 that dropped out from our routine of going to bed. Many things changed so 'just go to bed' became the new standard practice.

I knew it was a good idea, to say my prayers at bed time, but didn't always remember to do it, and there was very little support around me to keep the practice.

I have no excuse now. I'm old enough to teach myself new daily practices.

So, why is it I don't consistently do the things that will support my emotional and spiritual growth? Where is the struggle?

I suspect it comes from the too many times I had people say: Who do you think you are? You think you are better than me?

I got that often as a kid and a young woman trying to focus and develop myself. My problem was I listened. I wanted to conform, be nice, be respectful.

l have heard I have the power within to do great things, to serve humanity's' deepest causes and be richly rewarded for that service.

It's choosing to practice daily tasks that allow the power within to cause miracles now. Not later, or someday, but now.

So, I've developed my daily prayers for todays fast lifestyle. Each time I pet my dogs I ask to be of service, each time I touch a door nob I say "I have the ability to do great things", and each time I'm walking the dogs I take a moment to breathe in the beauty of stillness.

These are my daily prayers.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


We learn of our genius through our longing and discontent.

What beckons us forward, what has us notice areas where we need growth, development, and courage.

Where is your longing?

What is your discontent?

Our genius comes to the surface when we see something we can give our life to to bring forth, resolve, make real.

What could you say yes to that you would give your life to?

All the power of seen and unseen forces will back you, then you will receive all that the world will provide.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Am I on track with my vision?

I began by asking myself this simple question. "Are my actions, thoughts, and behaviors on track with my vision?"

I got a simple answer. Too many times I allow myself to get off the path. I have a bad day, I get confused, I get involved in other projects that seem burning, I just don't want to.

Simple enough. Catch myself going down that tunnel and intervene.

Not always so simple.

But like all the smokers that quit smoking then go back to it, and quit again, and go back to it. It's a constant willingness to go back and start again.

Today I breathe, and focus again. Join me, on a quest to be the person we know we are, effective, focused, centered, and clear, will you?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

True Optimism

True optimism is willing to be challenged, willing to be tested. That's what makes it true.

False or weak optimism is dependent on circumstances. "I'll be happy when..." "It will work out when..."

Or to be happy only when people agree with you, or give you ego strokes.

Nope, don't fall for that one.

Be optimistic no matter what!

"Success is going form failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Intuition is one of the most powerful senses we have. So, how come we struggle with listening to and understanding intuition?

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.

We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." Einstein.

Maybe we need to get back to honoring the sacred gift. How do you do that? You begin by taking the power pause. Pause each day to do nothing, to think nothing, to have no purpose, agenda, or mental to-do list. Just pause. Now for a time nothing much will happen, but be patient it will come. You inner guidance system will be allowed to speak to you.

Do this pause everyday. If you want to have your intuitive mind to grow. If not don't do it. Let it go, forget to do it, all sorts of things.

But if you are interested in a life unexplainable by it's enchantment, do the power pause.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Meditation, Intuition and Being

I have struggled with meditation for most of my life. I had a lot of complaints about it. Things like: I couldn't stop the constant voice in my head complaining, it was boring, why should I do this, I have other things tot do with my time than this. And on and on.

Things changed when I started to experience insomnia. I would wake up at 3:18 AM, and be awake! Just lay there and worry about the world falling apart. Nice huh?

Then I thought, well, I have all those meditation tapes, why not put them on my ipod and listen to that, maybe that will calm my worry voice long enough so I can go back to sleep.

It worked. I now practice meditation each day. Sometimes for just 5 minutes, but I practice.

Here is what I noticed, I'm seeing the world in it's entirety not just as me, my world, my ego. My ego is still there, but I have more moments of wholeness, of one with the world.

One of my mentors used to say: Be in the world not of the world.

More tomorrow on how meditation has helped my intuition.