Monday, September 13, 2010

The Light and Dark Side of Dissatifaction

We have a way of being slightly dissatisfied. I'm not talking about being negative, that's easy to hear and see.

I'm actually talking about a kind of whining when something ends, or we long for happiness, or love, or to be loved completely, or why isn't our body better, or our face prettier. You get the picture.

There is an ocean of dissatisfaction we live in. Some of the dissatisfaction is good, however.

Most of us do not know how to distinguish the light and the dark side of dissatisfaction. Sometimes it looks all the same.

Or we make the mistake of thinking we 'should' be satisfied with what we've got.

Well, yes, we want to feel accomplished with what we have, and strive for whats better, or whats next.

Don't miss the experience of feeling accomplished with the progress you've made, just don't get caught thinking that is the end.

And don't forget to give yourself the feeling of accomplishment, or achievement, no matter how small. That will spur you on to the next opening for your progression.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Liking What You See in the Mirror

Liking yourself. Another way to say that is being at peace with your faults, weaknesses, strengths, ego, arrogance, humor, energy, family, spouse, and, well you get the picture. Be at peace.

When you look in the mirror, be friends with who is there. Most of us judge and evaluate ourselves viciously. "Oh, look at my belly, my hair, my wrinkles, my flab!" We say. Try having a good day after that conversation at the mirror.

What about, "Oh, look at the sparkle in my eyes, the nice curve of my cheeks, the smooth sounds of my voice."

Begin a love affair with the person in the mirror, not one based on ego, but based on honoring the spirit within. The essence of life that beats our heart, brings air into our lungs and many many under thanked jobs our life force does for us to allow us to live.

So be at peace, and find ways to bring your perfection to the surface. Bring the best out of that person in the mirror.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Calm Down vs Slow Down

The world is moving fast these days. We are going through changes in 5-10 years that most generations didn't see for 100 years. I'm not talking about just changing stocks, or sox. I mean deep changes in the fabric of our world.

It's important to notice what we do in the face of significant change? Mostly we want to hold on to what we think is true. Or return to old patterns, or habits in an effort to remain 'in control'. We try to slow down. We try, in our narrow view to control events, ourselves, our family or environment. We all do it to some extent.

That is where we make mistakes. Mistakes that don't register until it is way too late as we watch opportunities whiz by.

So, what is there to do? For lack of a better term, we need to calm down. Calm down and remain focused.

Here are some basic dos and dont's"

Do: breathe, keep your eyes on what you want, your goals, meditate or pray or sit silently for 10 minutes each day, drink water, do yoga or exercise daily, honor yourself as you honor others (or honor others as you honor yourself which ever works for you)

Don't: lose your temper, waste time in emotional dramas, family feuds, over indulge in alcohol, drugs, food or sugars (they only ramp you up to let you down).

Learn to listen. Listen to your intuition. The part of you that knows. That will keep you calm and focused.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Develop Your Core Courgae

It was Albert Camus who once said, "In the midst of the darkest winter I found within myself an invincible summer."

It seems that in times of real challenge, I find a kind of tenacity, courage, and strength that surprises me.

I think we are all capable of marvelous courage. Most of us have never given ourselves the chance to be challenged. We shrink from challenges as if they were the plague. And yet we think of ourselves a great unsung heroes.

Hum, something is amiss here.

The way to develop your core courage is for it to be challenged. So, take that leadership role at work, or in your family, or community. Take it on and allow yourself to grow and develop core courage.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Lies We Tell Ourselves About Success

Don't get me wrong, success is a wonderful process. However, it is a process, not an end point.

That is the first lie we tell ourselves about success, that it is an end to get to.

I was watching Sylvester Stallone's new movie "The Expendables" last week. And here were all these action figures from the 80's doing the action thing, blowing up things, running around chasing bad guys. And they looked aged, and a bit tired, but they didn't hide that they were aged and tired, they played it up. (A shock for Hollywood)

But what struck me most, was these men were obviously still lifting weights and working out. Not because it would make them a star, but it was a part of the fabric of who they were. They did it just because.

That is someone who is success prone. Doing a thing not for the reward, but because it is part of your DNA.

My old Ballet teacher used to say "you do because you do".

There is no rhyme or reason to success, except this: you succeed at what you do each day, writing, family, relationships, body care, money. What you practice on a daily basis is what brings you success, not as an end, but as a way to live life.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

From Complaints to Consciousness

See if you can catch yourself complaining in either speech or thought about a situation you find yourself in. What other people say or do, your surroundings, your life situation, even the weather. See if you can catch yourself complaining. For to complain is always non-acceptance of what is and it invariable carries an unconscious negative charge.
When you complain you make yourself a victim. Either leave the situation, change the situation or accept it. All else is madness.

All else is....madness.

Release the madness of complaints and become conscious.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hindsight is 20/20, Why not Insight?

It is easy to look back in my life or for others to look in their lives and think, "Wow - I could have seen that" or, "I should have known that."
Hindsight has much clarity to it. It's been called 20/20 vision. Interestingly, when used properly, it helps us guide our direction now.
Perhaps we can bring that same clarity to our insight. We have each been given the ability to manage all different kinds of sights. Foresight, insight, hindsight, near sight, far sight. well, you get the picture.

We have this remarkable capacity; sight. Why not develop insight to it's highest degree?

Aldous Huxley wrote a book called, "The Art of Seeing". In it he gives several exercises on how to develop your vision. In the book he does mention that vision is still an inside job, what we allow ourselves to see, we see.

So, to develop your insight, get clear on your vision of your life. Visualize your life's goals everyday.