Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Designing a new relationship to money

When I told the truth about my relationship with money, I saw that it was one I inherited from my mother.

My mother was a confused and confusing woman. She was a product of a changing time, looking for someone else to guide her. I bare no grudge towards her. I have embraced she did the best she could with what she had.

But I had never sorted out that her emotional responses to money were imprinted in me. And now that I am a grown woman I have the desire to change my programming.

Sounds simple, but it takes more persistence and courage than I realized when I first chose to do so. The old thoughts and emotional habits are strong, and determined to survive.

Choosing the compassionate road is the best way to change. Generating compassion for all. Not just yourself, but all the newspapers, radio broadcasts, TV news, history, and family.

Again, this will be a part of my Money: Your Most Intimate Relationship" Teleseminar starting April 21 7:30 -9:00 PM PDT.

Send an email if you are interested: briester510@yahoo.com

Monday, April 12, 2010

Money Our Most Intimate Relationship

Why would I call money an intimate relationship?

As I listen to what people say about money I hear how it causes the most stress, broken marriages, resigned dreams, fear, worry, doubt, elation, joy and confusion.

Coco Chanel said: There are people who have money, and people who are rich.

Maybe it doesn't have to be that way. Maybe, just maybe, we can design a relationship to money and resources that is one of fulfillment, sustainability, and abundance.

We work so hard to force nature to follow our rules. Nature has so much more imagination and creativity than we can realize. If we could learn to be present, we could explode our experience of money

We live in a world designed by imagination and fueled by thought.

I will be teaching a Tele-seminar on this topic starting April 21st. 7:30-9:00 PM PDT If you are interested, send me an email: briester510@yahoo.com

Friday, April 9, 2010

My Hero

This is Lenora, she is my hero.
18 years ago her daughter died, rather than let her daughters death be a dark hole of regret and despair, she chose to work for the children in her community.

She started her own chapter of a Dollars For Scholars called the Star Achievers. Her mission is to get kids through High School, and if they want to, to college.

On Tuesday nights she helps teach reading, Wednesday nights is math, and Thursday nights is helping seniors graduate filling in any gaps in their education to pass their test.

She raises funds by quilting, and selling her quilts. This is a picture of her with 2 of her quilts. As you can see they are beautiful. She even names them, the purple one is called "Casaba", and the Autumn colored one is called "Sitting Ladies".

She turned a tragic event into an opportunity. Yes, she is my hero

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Transformation Sunday

Today, in Western cultures, is Easter Sunday. It represents a transformation at our deepest level.

We have, perhaps, struggled through difficult times, and this day signals us to reveal the transformation of ourselves.

What does transformation really mean? It means the alteration from a caterpillar to a butterfly. We transform into something unrecognizable from what we were before.

That's how nature works. We transform into something at a greater level of awareness. Like when the first fish took to flight and birds were born, or when the first flower blossomed in a sea of plants.

Today celebrate your transformation.