Tuesday, April 4, 2017

This Writing Life

I remember, long ago in my teenage years, I was told by a teacher, 'You should write." That declaration was repeated many times throughout my life. After I finished my MFA project, an acting project might I just say, several of my teachers said, "Oh Brie, you should write. That performance was terrific."

Say wha-? My performance was terrific, but I should be a writer? I felt it was a backward complement. You know, you've got a great face for radio, kinda thing. Needless to say I set that aside. Until I got downsized from my position and I sat myself down and began to teach (read: fail) at writing a novel.

Six years later, I am still learning and developing my craft at writing and I am in the midst of the deep fear of my work being laughed at, sneered at, not published or forgotten. But each year I continue, each class I take I keep moving forward, keep making progress against the inner demons of doubt. I will finish my novel series and I do see I will get published. That is a miracle.

I think of the words:

"Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
 but when he can harness the
power of love,
 then for the second time in the history of the world,
 man will have discovered fire."

I love my characters in my book, I love the world, I love the magic I am creating. That is what matters.