Sunday, May 6, 2012

Keeping it Together

I recently saw the movie "The Avengers". It was great, delightful, funny, dark, brooding, a story of good vs. evil using comic book heroes. Well, it is a movie based on a Marvel comic book, which were stories based on Greek and Roman mythology. But, I digress.

I was deeply moved by Mark Ruffalo's portrayal of Bruce Banner/The Hulk. He captured the struggle that we all know so well. Dealing with our inner demons. The effort we exert in keeping our temper, anger, rage or plain old petty jealousies in check. We go along and are fine, fine, fine, then something sets us off: Ka-blowie!

We have all done it at one time or another. It could be delays in traffic, a forgotten bill to pay, a broken cup, or a perceived slight. Something sets us off and we 'hulk' out.

There is a touching scene in the movie in which Dr Bruce Banner says he started to help others and that seemed to ease the incidences of his anger, of him becoming 'the other guy' as he calls it.

When we help others ultimately we help ourselves. Said another way, what we give we get. It was a great reminder.